John Christian Killpack : FIRST YEAR

Christian was born on December 1, 1997 at 10:45 PM in Provo, Utah. He was a wonderful baby. Always content and happy. he really only cried when he was hungry. He had so many unique sounds that he would make. Especially when wanting a drink. He made a sound from the back of his throat. We thought he would never ask for a drink like everyone else!!! Christian has a strong and happy spirit. Always laughing and playing. He loves his brothers and sister. He loves playing with daddy. He says daddy is his "Jungle Gym". Christian is an important part of our family. He brings so much joy and happiness to our lives. 

December 1997

January 1998

Grandma Killpack (Trent's Mom)

February 1998

Christian in his blessing outfit

4 generation picture

Pamela, Great Grandma Wanda, Grandpa Martin & Christian

Great Grandma Wanda and Grandpa Frank

March 1998

With Daddy

With Daddy

With Grandpa Martin

With Aunt April & Grandpa Martin

April 1998

With Mommy

May 1998

With Daddy

With Mommy

June 1998

August 1998

With Daddy

September 1998

With Daddy

October 1998

Talking to Daddy while he was on a business trip


November 1998

One of our pet birds

Christian age 1

Christian age 2